Friday, November 27, 2015

47 64 110 | CNN's Black Friday Cover Photo of Barack Obama, 'Race and Reality In America'

Blame = 2+12+1+13+5 = 33

Look at the very purposeful Gematria driven headline, 'race and reality in America'.  It synchs up so perfectly with the President, the 44th President, who was elected 44-years after the '64 Civil Rights Act.

There is also a nice tie in with 'President' and 'Black Friday'.

In Simple English Gematria, the headline connects perfectly to 'Civil Rights' and is made up of the same numbers as 'Barack Hussein Obama'.

Where do the coincidences end?


  1. These guys.

    Have you jumped on Joe Caputo jumping over the fence onto the White House lawn yet? Obama's headshot won't be long.


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